Monday, 27 April 2015


It's past 2am here, but I just needed to spend just a few minutes to type a note of appreciation to a most wonderful and thoughtful student... 

It had been a somewhat trying day, but I am so blessed to have received an uplifting message sent by an angel in my class who had expressed concern, support and gratitude at a time when it was most needed!  :) 

Have a fantastic week everyone!

Warmest regards,

Friday, 24 April 2015

On Extra LARGE Typefaces (and Horlicks!)


Hi everyone,

TGIF, yippee :)  It's been a busy few weeks for me, and I am so thankful that the weekend is here, phew! Before I go into today's topic, I thought to document an incident that had occurred a couple of years back with our very affectionate and playful pooch, Horlicks, as pictured in all his purple glory above...

Jase and I had gone for a late-night movie, and after a nice time, we headed back home. As we were discussing about the movie (I cannot recall what movie it was), I opened the front door, turned on the lights, and shrieked! Horlicks was his usual hyperactive 'prancing' self and jumping up and down, begging to be carried... Except he was a bright (actually rather pretty) purple hue... YIKES! What... Wait... How could...

I glanced at our (all-white) sofa, and it all became crystal clear. Horlicks had managed to snatch a (red/black) typewriter ribbon off the coffee table, and then decided it would be fun to unwind and roll around in it... He left traces of evidence all over the (white!!!) sofa. After the initial shock, I actually began to laugh and chided Horlicks before whisking him off for a much-needed bath... He should really have been more remorseful, except that everything with silly Ho Ho is fun, fun, fun!

Here was he thought of the whole fiasco...

Heh heh heh!
I found the whole hullabaloo hysterical, and ever since have been ever so careful to ensure that ribbons are kept way out of reach...

I thought that for today's post, I will share more about my typewriters with extra large typefaces... I think I am partial to the larger typefaces because my own handwriting tends to be big and child-like. (I do apologise for some 'cross-posting' with a previous post.)

Smith Corona Silent (Speech-Riter No. 29)

This baby was custom-painted, and I think it was a beautiful job! But it was the stunning typeface that drew me to it!

Erika Junior (Bulletin type)

This one came from Germany and was from an advertising firm...

Typecast from 1st August 2013

Remington Model 5 (Magnatype)

It smiles! A lovely gentleman on the Antique Typewriter
Collectors group pointed its smiley face out to me :)

Smith Corona Galaxie Twelve (Sight-Saver No. 30)

This baby is one sturdy typer! I LOVE this typeface :)
The typeface looks great on Project Life cards!

Underwood SX-150 (4 CPI)

I am so thankful for all the friends I have made through this hobby! Brad was so kind as to allow me to acquire this most beautiful typewriter from him. I was so excited to open up the parcel - it's the largest typeface I own to date! 

The 'A' and 'V' are particularly neat!

A beautiful machine - this photo doesn't do it justice...

HUGE typecast!

Thank you so much for reading my post!

Till next time! 

P.S - I am thinking for my next post, I shall share on my gold-plated typewriters, or my vertical script machines, or my Smith Corona 'special keys' typewriter... I do hope you'd stay tuned! :)

Warmest regards,

Happiness is...

Have a great weekend ahead everyone! Here's sharing a most wonderful gift from my work buddies... Cute!

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The Reveal & Comparison Between Two Very Special Typefaces!

The BEAUTIFUL new arrival - I am so thrilled!

Hello everyone!

Yesterday was like any other Monday, until I received a text from Jase informing me that the much anticipated package I was waiting for had finally arrived, and in great shape too! I was so excited and could hardly wait to get home to test it out - but that had to wait till after my evening (Latin) dance classes, and by the time I did get to doing up my typecast, it was close to midnight! So please accept my apologies in advance for the typographical errors I inadvertently made, oops...

BUT before I go more into the latest addition to my typewriter family, I thought to share a little more about my other Continental Wanderer. It is in a gorgeous maroon shade, and features one of my most adored typeface - the Schräge Zierschrift... It is ornate and the swashes on the upper cases are particularly pretty! It had originally been acquired by a Singaporean collector (and dear friend) who had bought it from Malaysia. She had posted and shared the photo below that showed off the drool-worthy typeface... After a while, I decided to take a chance and made an offer to acquire the machine from her... I am (still) so grateful that she was agreeable! This was almost exactly 2 years ago  ;)  

My first 'introduction' to the gorgeous machine & typeface!

Short typecast from April, 2013 -
the typecast obsession started pretty early on and has not waned!

Loving the ornate swashes, especially on the upper case!

I had later learnt that this special italics type style is known as the Schräge Zierschrift, and that there is another variant, the Steile Zierschrift... I had not expected to be able to find and more so eventually own a machine with that typeface and I feel so fortunate to be able to own both of these unique mechanical marvels! (The wood finish on the Continental Wanderer is really appealing to me too!) Both these machines will definitely be cherished for a long time to come... 

First typecast - apologies for the typos, namely
'zierschrift' and 'definitely' towards the end!
*I had initially planned to install a lovely blue ribbon,
but it was late into the night so I kept the ribbon it came with :)

In LOVE...

Thanks for reading, and wishing you a most wonderful rest-of-the-week!

Warmest regards,

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

"I believe in pink... typewriters" + exciting sneak peak!

Hello everyone,

I hope that you have had a fantastic start to the week thus far! It's been such a busy few weeks of work for me, so I have hardly got the time to play around with my typewriters much, yikes! However, I have recently made a very special acquisition, so I am very excited about that... It has been shipped off to me earlier today so I am expecting it to arrive in a week or so. Once it does make its way here, I will be sure to share more about it! Meanwhile, here's a sneak peek!

I thought that for today's (brief post), I'd share about my other obsession when it comes to typewriters... Besides unique typefaces,  I seem to have a soft spot for...

Pretty-in-pink Portables...

The pink Olivetti Lettera 22 comes in a lovely (deeper) shade of pink, and I must say that the single red tab key adds to the charm for me too! :)

This baby arrived swathed like one!

Typecast dated 23rd August 2013
(Oh, the irony of most of the words printing fine until I get to 'perfection'!)

I believe that the pink Royal Quiet De Luxe was the second of my pink typewriters... They seem to be very popular, and continue to fetch high prices.

Borrowed glasses from Jase for this shot (I have perfect eyesight).

2012 Christmas gift!
This pink Olympia SF De Luxe made it to my 'had-to-have' list the moment I laid eyes on the beautiful pink and grey colour scheme. I still love it very much, and it is a lovely portable all in all for me!

The ABC pink portable is truly such eye candy, and one of my favourite choices when it comes to a Type In/Out. I love the curves of this one, and all the 'extras' it came with - including a matching user manual and gorgeous pink leather case!

I hope that wasn't too much cotton candy pink all in one post, and thank you for bearing with my indulgence! (I am still looking for a pink Royal FP, so if anyone is able to help, that'd be much appreciated too, hee hee...)

Have a wonderful rest-of-the-week!

Warmest regards,

Thursday, 2 April 2015

From My Current Read...

(Apologies for the typographical errors!)

Hello everyone,

I just thought to share my current read...

Leisurely reading seems to have become more of a luxury, which really shouldn't be the case! :)

P.S - Happy Good Friday!

Warmest regards,